Quarterly report Q2 2022

21 juli 2022

Heerlen/Amsterdam, July 21, 2022. In the second quarter of 2022, ABP’s latest coverage ratio rose by 5.3% to 122.7%. The increase is, as in the first quarter, mainly due to the rise in interest rates, which means that the fund needs much less capital (-€56 billion) to pay out all current and future pensions. This more thanmakes up for the loss on investments (-€44 billion). The current coverage ratio at the end of June already includes a decrease of 3%, due to the pension increases in July. As the latest coverage ratio increases, the policy coverage ratio also rises to 111.6%.


  • Current coverage ratio rises to 122.7%
  • Return at -8.4% in the second quarter (-€44 billion)
  • Decrease in pension liabilities by €56 billion due to higher interest rates (+0.9%)
  • Policy coverage ratio rises to 111.6%

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